American Long-distance hiking association-west
Remember to Visit ALDHA-West Merch Store!
- Sat, Mar 29Active Adult Center
- Fri, Apr 18Silver City
- Fri, Aug 15Cascade Locks
about us
The American Long-Distance Hiking Association-West (ALDHA-West) is an organization of individuals interested in the pursuit of all aspects of long-distance hiking. Our membership covers a wide range of ages, from teenagers to octogenarians, and many experience levels, from wannabes to members who’ve logged tens of thousands of trail miles spanning the globe.
ALDHA-West provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on every aspect, from gear, food, travel, dangers, expectations, trail weather, all the way to how to ease back into normal life after months on the trail.
Many of our members have hiked all three of America’s premier long-distance trail, the Appalachian Trail (2,160 miles), the Pacific Crest Trail (2,650 miles), and the Continental Divide Trail (3,100 miles). To honor these individuals and their enormous accomplishment, we initiated the Triple Crown of Hiking Award. Each Fall at our annual Gathering, a new crop of inductees are presented their awards.
We also publish the Gazette, an online newsletter which highlights many aspects of long-distance hiking.
Lastly, we offer a source for inspiration. Each year at The Gathering hikers put on video talks and slide shows of previous hikes. These forums plant the seeds of new hikes we’ll strive to do in the future.

To inspire, educate and promote fellowship among long distance hikers and those who support long-distance hiking.

ALDHA-West stands in solidarity with the black, indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) community. We believe that long distance trails and all public lands should be accessible, safe, and welcoming spaces for people of all races, ethnicity, and backgrounds. We recognize that the outdoors, and specifically long distance trails, have not been a welcoming and safe space for Black hikers and hikers of color.
ALDHA-West is committed to doing better and to demonstrating our commitment through action. Changes we will implement immediately include:
Showcasing a more diverse group of speakers at our events
Collaborating with more diverse groups within the hiking and backpacking community
Representing more diverse images on our online platforms
Seeking the perspective of more diverse groups in our Gazette articles
Providing fair compensation for the work and input of members of the BIPOC community
Developing a mentorship database to connect potential long distance hikers to more seasoned hikers who share similar life experiences
Offering Ruck attendance scholarships to members of the BIPOC community
Providing a welcoming atmosphere online and at our live events for Black hikers and hikers of color
Continuing to seek diversity on our Board, in our membership, and in our volunteers
Educating ourselves and our community on how the public lands system and systemic racism has prevented Black people and other people of color from accessing public lands and feeling safe in nature
ALDHA-West is committed to making justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion a cornerstone of our organization, and we are in it for the long haul. We welcome your thoughts on how we can further this commitment in addition to what we’ve listed here. To share your feedback, email us at secretary@aldhawest.org.