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Board Positions


Main responsibility is to lead the board and set agendas on a monthly basis and help facilitate member's desires for the club into action by engaging the board to do the behind-the-scenes work. The president works closely with the treasure on budget, the VP on big guys picture ideas, and the secretary on communications with our members. In addition, the president communicates with outside media, and others seeking information about ALDHA-West and acts as the spokesperson/public image of the organization. He or she works with business donors for gear donations to be used during the year at events; works with agency trail partners to help support fundraising efforts for trails; is the voice of the long distance trail user; helps foster a mutually beneficial partnership with stakeholders from a wide variety of trails-orientated groups; extensive event planning and management to identify annual events, help organize events with site location, menu, registration and general organization.



The main responsibility of the Vice President (VP) is to help lead the board,  set and distribute agendas on a monthly basis, and help facilitate membership's desires for the club into action by engaging the board to do the behind-the-scenes work. The VP works closely with the President, Treasurer, and Secretary (Executive board members) on a budget, planning of events, big picture ideas, and communications with the membership.  


In addition, the VP communicates with outside media, and others seeking information about ALDHA-West and serves as one of the two main spokespersons/public image of the organization. They may be asked to work with business donors for donations to be used during the year at events; works with agency trail partners to help support fundraising efforts for trails; is the voice of the long-distance trail user; helps foster a mutually beneficial partnership with stakeholders from a wide variety of trails-orientated groups; extensive event planning and management to identify annual events and helps organize events with site location, menu, registration, and general organization.

The VP is also the first person in the line of succession. In the case of the current President having to no longer fill their board term for whatever reason; medical, death, family, etc…the VP will assume the position of President until the term is served. In addition, if the President is going to be on an extended trip the President will ask the VP to fill their duties for a limited amount of time in the absence with board consent.



Responsible for membership database: Maintain Wix membership membership database, enter manual renewals, assist members with any issues relating to membership. Responsible for working with board on Gazette content, schedule and posting on the website and distribution via social media. Responsible for working in conjunction with the board on social media outlets for distribution of upcoming events, hiker happenings, general information surrounding the long distance hiking community, media outlets at this time include: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Eventbrite. Responsible for meeting minute distribution to the board after each meeting and storing minutes in Google Drive.

Responsible for receiving information from web contact email and responding or disseminate email to appropriate board members for response. Responsible for email communication to members/contacts via Wix system. Responsible for posting and maintaining event registrations through the website, assisting members in any payment/registration issues that arise.


The Treasurer has charge and custody of and is responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation. Receives and gives receipts for money due and payable to the corporation from any source what­soever. Deposits all money in the name of the corpora­tion in banks or other depositories as shall be selected by the board of directors. Reconciles all bank accounts on a monthly basis. Determines annual budget and calculates variance from said budget. Presents monthly financial results at monthly board meetings. Presents annual financial results at the membership meeting. Files tax returns with Internal Revenue Service. With the Board, determines pricing for events and reports on the profitability of all events. Performs all of the duties pertaining to the office of the treasurer and other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the president or by the board of directors.


These positions are for those able and willing to take on special projects or gather others into special teams to help with events, communications, or outreach. They participate in the coordination of Rucks and The Gathering, including finding speakers, securing venues, event promotion, and other logistics. They are part of the planning process, examining broader perspectives and issues of long-distance hiking beyond the Triple Crown of Hiking. They promote ALDHA-West locally in the community, hiking organizations, and wilderness programs. A board member will be asked to head up a variety of specific tasks, such as Martin Papendick Award nominations and presentation, coordinating volunteers for PCT and/or CDT Trail Days, or managing the Triple Crown of Hiking applications. Committees, tasks, and assignments may change depending upon organizational needs.  Board members are responsible for Chairing or being a member of a committee such as our social media, education, website, finance, or others.  You may Chair on a committee and be part of another depending upon your availability, interest, skills, and the needs of the organization.

Responsibilities for all board members:

  • To participate in the establishment of ALDHA-West’s mission and value statement goals and to review them periodically for updates and appropriate changes.

  • To serve as a spokesperson for ALDHA-West and to create interest and enthusiasm for long-distance hiking in the hiking community and among members by bringing them up-to-date on ALDHA-West’s programs.

  • To participate in programs that increase awareness of ALDHA-West and its programs.

  • To review and evaluate the achievement of ALDHA-West’s goals and strategies.

  • To attend meetings and to familiarize themselves with the issues discussed. The board generally meets online once per month, however, additional meetings may be scheduled/required.

  • To serve a two-year term, with up to three consecutive elected terms. After which, at least a one-year break is required before being elected again.

  • To Chair or serve on one or more of the Board’s Committees, which may include social media, education, website, finance, or others.

  • To assist in the identification (and recruitment) of key volunteers for Board positions, committees, programs, and fundraising activities.

  • To assist in the identification and cultivation of prospective individual, corporate, and foundation donors who are capable of making gifts to ALDHA-West.

  • To participate in ALDHA-West related events whenever possible, such as Rucks, the Gathering, or online events. Generally, there is some amount of travel expense not covered by the ALDHA-West travel reimbursement policy.  The policy only covers a set amount of transportation costs, not lodging, meals, and so forth.  So please be prepared and know upfront that there will be some out-of-pocket expense that goes along with serving on the board. Generally, these expenses can range from $500 to $2,000 annually.  Each Board member is responsible for paying their own Gathering expenses, to include registration.

  • Responsible for working with the board on Gazette content, schedule, and posting on the website and distribution via social media. 

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